Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mp3 Update

We have finally gotten around to compiling some snippets from our demo recordings. These were recorded in Langebaan on our weekend away. There is a full version of Stroke, which has been suspiciously absent from our set list lately, we'll have to make an effort to include it soon!

You can listen to our songs via Soundcloud here, and they're also available at our Facebook page and are housed under our music tab on this website too.

Coal Demo Recordings by Coal

In other news, Vera is hard at work with our new website and is very nearly done! She has also given our logo a bit of a reboot. Also, Cathy recently made up some t-shirts with the new logo on them, perhaps if we beg her she can take a nice photo of those? These will be available at our gigs and come in both men's and women's styles. Cathy actually makes the shirts herself, being the accomplished seamstress that she is, so they are of excellent quality.

We recently played a wonderful acoustic show at the Mercury with Van Coke Kartel and Stonecollar. The exceedingly talented Laura McCullagh took some photos of the evening and wrote a little something about the night, you can check them out on her website: Laura McCullagh's Pictures & Ramblings

Our next gig is the 16th July at the new Zula, we'll keep you updated.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Noises from the crypt...

A few months ago I signed up for vocal lessons with the much accomplished Amanda Luyt. Vera had been attending lessons with her for a while and I thought it was time that I did something to turn up the volume in my voice.
I went with an open mind and much excitement, since I love learning something new...and I must say that I have been blown away! After only six lessons which involved laryngeal gymnastics and noises from the crypt, I can say that I'm very impressed with the results.

It's true that most professional musicians go for lessons, and professional athletes have coaches. That is why I believe that vocalists need a vocal coach. I can't express how much more I enjoy singing now...I guess as much as any one of the girls would buying a shiny new piece of equipment.

Vera and I will be performing at a Student recital on Sunday the 19th June. The venue is the cozy Barnyard theatre where you are able to bring your own eats and booze. There is also pizza on sale at the venue as well as a cash bar. No cover charge!

The numbers we have chosen to perform are classics from the recent and not so recent past....

I can't wait!